
Diné Land & Water (COVID-19 Mutual Aid)


Our response is not just about Covid-19 but part of the ongoing work we have been and will continue to do. In the short term, we want to continue doing mutual aid to deliver supplies such as food, water, toilet paper, bleach, hand sanitizer, gloves, masks, soap as well as handwashing stations. In the long term, we want to continue building gardens in the local community to promote food sovereignty. We want to empower our relatives to have their own gardens and not be dependent on the grocery stores especially in light of this Covid-19 pandemic. This is why gardening projects and the work we do throughout the year builds the kind of infrastructure we need to make it through crises like this. In the long term our resistance work will continue to build the resources we need to take care of our elders, and build support between and within our communities.

Org Type


Who do you serve?

Native Communities


Navajo Nation, Sanders, Red Mesa, Big Mountain/Rocky Ridge

Service Area Normalized

Navajo Nation Reservation

Have These Resources to Give to Their Communities

Hand sanitizer, diapers, masks, feminine hygiene products, water, etc.